MEN: Stop being a *creep* to women

For those of you who have wondered: “When will Cee Vee call out men on their destructive, morally bankrupt behaviors?” Your time has come.

We all know the old saying. “If I had a dollar for every time…<fill in the blank>”. Well, at the risk of overusing this already overused expression: If I had a dollar for every damn time that a woman has complained about receiving unsolicited d*ck pics from various men on dating apps and social media, I would be a millionaire.

If I had an additional dollar for every damn time a woman griped about men who message with “Hey baby, wanna come over and *chill*?”, I would most certainly be a multi-millionaire.

And If I had added just one more dollar for every damn time a married man joined a dating app, pretended they were “separated”, or just clearly were looking to cheat for one reason or another, I could quite possibly be as rich as Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk.

Really, those above complaints are so pervasive in the online world, and in everyday conversation now, that it almost seems like an urban legend or other tall tale that cannot possibly be that obscenely true.

But it IS true.

And, of course, it begs the question: What kind of dipsh*t would do any of the above in the first place?

To all the men out there: Yes, like you, I am also not a fan of the ever growing female chauvinism movement being perpetuated here in the West, or the plethora of problems with the current framework for feminism, or that some women also have their own disturbingly misguided viewpoints and behaviors. However, those reasons, or any other reasons for that matter, do NOT mean you should be pathetic and destroy all the principles and values that both men and women, throughout the ages now, have worked so hard to build and instill in society.

Unlike those who say that “people on the Internet are crazy”, I don’t really subscribe to that idea much. People have had questionable, unsettling behaviors since the dawn of humanity. Perverse thinking did NOT start with the Internet. (And some of that is subjective anyway: what’s weird for you may not be weird for someone else).

All the Internet has done is given a platform for people to amplify their behaviors – including their dark side – while often remaining rather anonymous. Or they are at least able to protect themselves enough not to get their reputations destroyed or personal information compromised. Of course, many people conversely do get caught in the act of their stupidity. And as we all know, the Internet community is often not forgiving about it, acting as a kind of moral police about human decency. So, we have quite the moral battle on our hands right now.

Now, for the men out there, especially men with kids: If you have a daughter who is dating a guy from her school, would you be happy if her boyfriend sent her unsolicited d*ck pics all day long? Or if you had a son, would you pat him on the back for sending d*ck pics to his girlfriend? Would you be happy if your father was on dating apps or social media flirting with other women behind your mother’s back? If you have a sister, and she told you, “Yeah, so this guy on Tinder messaged me to go over to his place and *chill*”, would you say “Right on, sis! Go for it!”

See, the problem with many men now is that they are not putting themselves in other people’s shoes. They are only thinking about their own instant gratification. I think this is because many single and married men are also a bit confused about their role and responsibilities in modern life, particularly how it pertains to interacting with women. And women shouldn’t exactly get a free pass on this.

Namely, many women have also done their part to manipulate the dating/relationship selection process – often by playing the victim because of bad past relationships; or making their physical or emotional securities at the forefront of getting to know each other; or being on a loud crusade of “I am strong an independent and don’t need a man”; or sending mixed messages about what they really want; or even proclaiming they don’t know what they want and then wearing that like a badge of honor.

So, in fairness to men out there, we are sometimes twisted in psychological knots over what is OK and not OK. BUT still – that does not mean we create a society of massive disrespect towards each other.

MEN: You NEED to grow the hell up.

Awhile back, I saw a split pane meme that summed up one angle to that in particular: The top half said “Men need to ditch the man-cave”; and the bottom half finished with “and bring back the *study*”

MEN: We have fought bloody wars together. We have built entire cities and every conceivable infrastructure out there – science, technology, economics, medicine, social hierarchies, governments, transportation systems, houses, you name it. We have fought tirelessly against disease, early death rates, suffering, racial tensions, tyranny. Yes, we have sometimes contributed to these issues as well. But our positive impact on society far outweighs the negative impact. And it is time to own that and be a real role model for human progress.

It is time to stop being just another “bro” or “dude” out there who dumbs down our language, our intellectual pursuits, and our advancements for humanity.

Do you really want your legacy to be the guy who was a major creep in life? I didn’t think so. So, STOP being that.