Dialoguing with Doubters – Part 2 – Spiritual-but-not-Religious and Agnostics

Those of you who are generally familiar with the history of Christianity know that, within the past 500 years, Christianity has splintered into approximately 30,000 sects. No, not that is not a joke. There are more flavors of Christianity now than Baskin Robbins could have ever hoped to match with ice cream flavors. Religion in…

Dialoguing with Doubters – Part 1 – Atheists

Once upon a time, I was an atheist. Not just an atheist who simply did not believe in God / a higher power / whatever you want to call it: I fell into the camp of “new atheist”. But what do I mean by “new atheist”? The term first became popular within a few years…

Why it is necessary to separate tribalism from Catholicism

How many times have you heard someone say, “I am not a fan of organized religion”? Or “I am spiritual but *not* religious”?  Or the usual criticisms about the Catholic Church: “It’s dogmatic, it has a lot of doctrines, it is ‘patriarchal’”? Those views have unfortunately become rather popular in our Western society. And they…