Recommended Reading: “Coming Soon” by Michael Barber

When I was 16 – in the days of VCRs, VHS tapes, movie rental stories, and sleepovers at my friends’ houses – one of my friends and I decided to rent a couple of movies one Friday night; and because we were both fairly good Catholic boys who, to our other friends’ surprise, enjoyed going…

Gospel Reflection — John 17:11-19

This was an extra eventful week in my Catholic faith journey, from fellowshipping with some outstanding Catholics growing in their own journey as well, to a Wednesday evening Mass that sort of flipped the script on my original plans for the evening, though in a positively extraordinary way. What I thought I was going to…

A Response to “Neuroscience versus Freewill”

Many Catholics are aware of, or have read, a well-crafted, encyclical letter by Pope John Paul II called ‘Fides et Ratio” (Faith and Reason): This document, now considered a staple in how the Catholic Church answers skeptics (some of whom view this subject as “when worlds collide”), is an effective primer for reconciling faith and…

Gospel Reflection — John 15:9-17

When I was 15 years-old and had a year of guitar lessons under my belt, I daydreamed – just about every day — about playing in a band, living the rock star dream that so many other aspiring musicians wish could come to fruition. After all, it was 1988, and I was quickly turning into…

A Short Response to “Why is God ‘jealous'”?

“If God is only here for us, then why would he get jealous?” Because this is a personification of something that cannot quite be personified. God is anthropomorphized (meaning, made to appear human-like) as a way that we humans, created in HIs image, can connect with God’s revelations to humanity.  As for God being “jealous”, this…