Recommended Reading: “Confession All: A Humiliating, Tormented Pilgrimage to God’s Will” by Eddie Trask

Some years ago, I watched a documentary about the massive increase in pornography usage within the past generation. The Internet, of course, has helped super charge pornography’s reach throughout the world. And not only is pornography now mainstream on the Internet, it has also revealed just how far people will go to seek out sexual…

“Answering the Atheists” by Bishop Robert Barron — and the problem with the word “evidence”

A couple of months ago, I exchanged emails with an atheist who, after watching my videos about my life as a former militant atheist, decided to hit me with one of the oldest challenges throughout the history of atheist thinkers / skeptics: Prove the existence of God. And to quote my challenger directly: “What is…

Recommended videos: “Salvation by faith vs works”

When I started this channel earlier this year, my first goal was to be a strong support for the Catholic YouTubers who are on fire for leading seekers and skeptics to our rather mysterious, yet fantastically rich and fulfilling faith that, as Bishop Robert Barron describes, “offers the fullness of Christ”. After all, our faith…

Did the Apostles embellish the Gospels? Are they just works of literature? Is Bart Ehrman right?

In our age of what seems like endless information constantly bombarding our brains, we have a unique challenge in all of human history: A colossal, technology-driven infrastructure that both empowers and rips apart intellectual pursuits. Hence why the topic of objective truth versus subjective truth is one of the most, if not the most, important…