Recommended Video: “What the far-LEFT FEARS the Most”

It may not be a surprise that I am sharing yet another video by one of my favorite Catholic apologists, Trent Horn. Still, this is one subject that must be at the center of our societal conversation these days. Identity politics are so much all the rage, that the rage from it is causing even more rage across our increasing divisiveness throughout the U.S.

And because the silent majority is still, well, largely silent about intersectional ideologies — which are not at all grounded in objective truth and reality — strong-arming our schools and other institutions into baseless submission, we who are speaking up must continue to do so. Even at the risk of being marginalized and “canceled”, we can’t just roll over and let dangerously false ideas wipe out real truth and social wellbeing.

That said, here is another *must watch* video by Trent Horn:

Why? Because, as briefly covered above, there is clearly an uprising across universities — and which is infiltrating corporations and public schools — to shut down any perspectives that go against “feelings over facts.” It is exactly what happens when identity politics becomes popular.

History has painfully shown — again and again — what happens when identity politics mixes with misunderstandings about power, and when a relatively small group of tantrum-throwing, tribalistic, truth deniers think that identity is infinitely malleable, yet must be equalized in every possible area of life and human interaction. In other words, this movement doesn’t stop at made-up ideas about gender: It wants you to believe that you can create *whatever* worldview suits you best — as long as it doesn’t threaten feelings — and then for everyone else to accept it, including making special concessions for it in all institutions.

It’s one of the many reasons why identity politics and intersectional theories are not only rooted in fiction, but they are also inherently evil. When a group wants to eradicate objective truth and fair debate, and replace it with an entirely self-serving agenda, two things happen:

1.) The groups playing identity politics will eventually destroy their own, as what *always* happens in societies built on subjective truth and “feelings”.

2.) Society as a whole will turn on each other and devolve even more into tribalism and exchanging false stories of oppression and inequity. Just look at the divisions happening between “red” and “blue” states.

Both of these issues reveal a country that doesn’t know how to communicate about truth and reality. Which then leaves the door wide open for trojan horse type movements such as LGBT.