Ohh, to be a Prophet in the Ancient World…

What images come to mind when thinking of the word prophecy? The numerous fantasy movies featuring bearded, pointy-hat wearing wizards peering through a crystal ball and warning of impending doom? Or documentaries about Nostradamus? Or the now debunked predictions about the world ending in 2012, according to the ancient Mayan clock? Regardless of how prophecy…

The Names of God that Point to One God: “The God of our Fathers”

In the world of theological conversations, the word “God” is the de facto, universal name to describe the supreme Source of Judeo-Christian belief. Yet the etymology of God, just in the Jewish tradition alone, comes from a variety of sources. Further, various names ascribed to God are clearly used in the Torah – which begs…

To Sin or Not to Sin — without the Doctrine of Original Sin

To understand the Jewish interpretation of the flood story and how it differs from Christianity’s overarching doctrine of Original Sin (beginning with Genesis), three components help piece together the Jewish interpretation puzzle: the sources used to build the narrative about sin, the challenges with defining sin in the Jewish sense versus the Christian understanding, and…