The rise of the “spiritual-but-not-religious” movement in recent years has revealed some significant shifts in Western society: More and more people are becoming disenchanted with organized religion (though the reasons are often shaky or based on misinformation). More and more people are searching for truth and meaning in their life. More and more people are…
Author: Cee Vee
Why the rhetoric of “My kids are my world and will always be first” wrecks relationships
Whenever I hear or read “my kids are my world and will always be first” — which has become a marching mantra in the Western world of single parenting — my knee-jerk reaction is to say **Get over yourself**. And even by the end of this post, I am going to stand by that same…
Do we really need camps of “dog people” vs “cat people”?
As if we here in the U.S. currently do not have enough to be polarized about – Democrat vs. Republican, pro-choice vs. pro-life, pro-immigration vs. anti-immigration, pro-LGBTQ rights vs anti-LGBTQ rights, the radical SJW Left vs the Alt Right – we apparently have to add another divider: “dog people” vs. “cat people”. We have all…
Danny the Daydreamer
Danny was a fan of World War II. He also loved a good dystopian story. All the greats: Brave New World, 1984, Fahrenheit 451. And he was enamored with technology: touch screen devices, 100% wireless communication, waving his hand as he walked through rooms, turning lights, TV screens, sound systems, on and off, all with…
Why facts matter, why it’s important to listen to qualified experts, and why it’s ok to say “I don’t know”..
The internet is beast of an entity. On one hand, it is the most impressive, most advanced, most all-encompassing gateway to human knowledge, in history. On the other hand, it sometimes seems like the bane of human existence and progress. Just in the U.S. alone, debates on social media have been getting more and more…
The hate-filled battle of ideas: Where are we going with this? Or have we become too entitled and polarized to care?
You are on Facebook. Social media is a staple in your life. Like eating, sleeping, taking a shower, and all other routines in your life, social media is now one of them. You have many friends on your list. (Yet still keep in mind that I use the term “friends” quite loosely). You see that…
Welcome to my blog! As you may have noticed, my blog is a little bit of a work-in-progress. Enhancements are on the way!