Let’s talk about Covenant — Part 4: God’s Revelation

As we close in on the conclusion to this series, and having walked through covenant history and types, what especially makes the covenants between God and the early patriarchs so significant? The answer: God’s revelation. Without this primary purpose, the concept of covenant would not necessarily lose its value, but it would not show the…

Let’s talk about Covenant — Part 3: Abraham, Examples of Covenant Types, and the Berit-Hesed Relationship 

Continuing on in this series, we will now look at various types of covenants, Abraham as an example of entering into covenant with God, and the relationship between the Hebrew terms, berit and hesed. Keep in mind, throughout this series, that while the information we are covering goes into some theological depth about covenants and…

Let’s talk about Covenant — Part 2: Covenant Types and Their Influence on the Patriarchs

In Part 1 of this series, we covered the history of covenant agreements, tracing back to the Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia and widely adopted among neighboring cultures, including the Semites. We also briefly covered the origins of the word berit, the Hebrew equivalent to covenant. Keeping this in mind, let’s now explore the types of…

Let’s talk about Covenant — Part 1: Covenant Roots

In my journey towards earning a degree in Theology, each class has given me a chance to plunge deep into the Bible, with the help of centuries of scholarship, several types of critical approaches to hermeneutics (a fancy way of saying “interpretation”), and outstanding professors who show students how to navigate this often mind-numbing, twisting…

Recommended Video: “REBUTTING ‘American Gospel’ on Catholic salvation”

A few days ago, I experienced a synchronicity of sorts (and more on the synchronicity part later): I, like most people in modern society, spent a relaxing evening sprawled out on my couch – with a cat sprawled out on my legs — while hypnotically flipping through an array of streaming channels, genre categories, sub-categories,…

Response to LDS Claim that the Gospel and Church were Corrupted, etc.

These days, my life on the Internet mostly consists of the following: reading a mind-numbing number of books, articles, and scholarly papers on Christian theology; finding resourceful videos about Christian theology, participating in social media group debates about Christian theology, seeking out fellow theologians to talk about, well, Christian theology; and now answering questions via…