A Short Response to “All religions are equally true, and spirituality is the religion created by *you*”

In what seems to be a never-ending battle these days between objective truth and subjective truth, and reality vs alternative realities, religion is now fully on the table of truth mongering, along with just about every other discourse out there. And as wonderful as this may sound to the world of subjective truth, the claim…

Recommended Reading: “Coming Soon” by Michael Barber

When I was 16 – in the days of VCRs, VHS tapes, movie rental stories, and sleepovers at my friends’ houses – one of my friends and I decided to rent a couple of movies one Friday night; and because we were both fairly good Catholic boys who, to our other friends’ surprise, enjoyed going…

Gospel Reflection — John 17:11-19

This was an extra eventful week in my Catholic faith journey, from fellowshipping with some outstanding Catholics growing in their own journey as well, to a Wednesday evening Mass that sort of flipped the script on my original plans for the evening, though in a positively extraordinary way. What I thought I was going to…

A Response to “Neuroscience versus Freewill”

Many Catholics are aware of, or have read, a well-crafted, encyclical letter by Pope John Paul II called ‘Fides et Ratio” (Faith and Reason): This document, now considered a staple in how the Catholic Church answers skeptics (some of whom view this subject as “when worlds collide”), is an effective primer for reconciling faith and…

Gospel Reflection — John 15:9-17

When I was 15 years-old and had a year of guitar lessons under my belt, I daydreamed – just about every day — about playing in a band, living the rock star dream that so many other aspiring musicians wish could come to fruition. After all, it was 1988, and I was quickly turning into…

A Short Response to “Why is God ‘jealous'”?

“If God is only here for us, then why would he get jealous?” Because this is a personification of something that cannot quite be personified. God is anthropomorphized (meaning, made to appear human-like) as a way that we humans, created in HIs image, can connect with God’s revelations to humanity.  As for God being “jealous”, this…