Recommended Video: “Why the Family is Falling Apart” (And why the Sexual Revolution is largely to blame).

When I was 11, in the sixth grade, my classmates and I attended a school function called an “assembly.” Except as sixth graders, anytime we had an assembly, we interpreted that as an extra recess, as it was usually the chance to congregate with our best friends in the school auditorium, while we giggled and goofed…

“Wokeism”: Why it’s time to *wake up* about it, and why the Gospel is crucial to resolving it.

In my last blog, “Is Christ Truly Your King?”, and based on a recommended homily by Bishop Robert Barron, I gave a direct, blunt, unflinching perspective on what it means to be a true Christian and accept Christ as your king in *all* areas of life. If you became uncomfortable while listening to me, or…

Recommended Video: “How Moral Relativism Ruins Your Mind and Soul” by TFP Student Action

St. Augustine: “Right is right, even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it”. Discussion over — right? I sure wish that were the case. Yet here we are,1600 years after St. Augustine uttered those words, still fighting about right versus wrong. Sometimes, I don’t know whether to…

Recommended Video: “Psychology and Psychiatry” — and why we are fundamentally *Normal*

Since starting this channel in February this year, I have been wracking my brain about, well, the brain. That is, having spent several years, at a slow pace, finishing an M.S. Psychology degree (emphasizing on the biology behind psychology), I have wanted to make a video, or a series, or something that bridges psychology with…

Response to “Is belief in God based purely on an emotional need to believe?”

Over the past few months, a Catholic gentleman, who has been struggling with doubts about Catholicism, has been dialoguing with me occasionally to work through questions and journey as a seeker of truth. Recently, he posed this concern / challenge to me: “I understand that, yes, we can rationally come to the conclusion that God…

Original sin: “The ‘gift’ that keeps on giving”?

I imagine that most of you reading this blog post have heard the expression: “<fill in the blank> is the gift that keeps on giving.” According to, that expression is about a century old now; and it mostly like traces back to ads run by Victor-Radio, the company that had built and popularized phonographs…

Why Goodness can Only Come from God

In recent years, I have been on a non-stop journey to grow more in communion with God, to live out my Catholic faith as Christ has instructed, and to keep God’s grace and my salvation at the forefront of how I navigate all areas of my life. At the core of my navigating this amazingly…

Recommended book and videos: “The Apostacy that Wasn’t”

Having recently stumbled across a book called, The Apostacy that Wasn’t, by Catholic theologian, Rod Bennett; and having also watched a couple of YouTube videos in which Bennett goes into detail about this book, I think the timing of discovering this couldn’t have been much better. That is, over the past couple of months, some…